Personal reflections about autistic people trying to make the world a more inclusive place
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Victorian Autism Conference
Monday, 11 August 2014
Aspect Autism in Education Conference
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Onward and upward and not quite real
Friday, 1 August 2014
Spades and shovels
Twitter account
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Someone was in the paper...
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Roses are red, Autism is blue?
Monday, 24 March 2014
The future of autism
Autism lasts a life time, so while early intervention is a great thing it’s also suggested people with autism often need ongoing support into adulthood to fully reap its benefits. A few weeks ago on March 6th the Autism Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) was launched at Parliament House. I was lucky enough to be invited to attend the event. This is an important development not just for small children on the autism spectrum and their parents, but for those of us who are aged far past the opportunities of early intervention programs.
One of the great things about the Autism CRC is that it has focuses on autism at three different stages of life, including adulthood. If we can find solutions and support for some of the issues facing adults (such as employment, social development, independent living skills, self-determination and mental health) it will not only help them, it is likely to also benefit children receiving early intervention as they grow up. The Autism CRC brings together diverse and enthusiastic experts from over 50 Australian and international organizations and centres together with every day people and communities working and living with autism in order to approach issues in a broad and innovative way.
My greatest challenge coming into adulthood was working out who I was and how to accept myself. My Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis formed part of that journey. I am one of the lucky ones. I live independently, attended university, work full-time and recently became engaged. My brother, who didn't start talking to us until he was four, is also doing well. He does volunteer work (which has included teaching himself how to do accounting) while he contemplates whether to study his physics PhD. I have met many others who have skills, talents and interests but have yet to find a way to translate them into the modern workforce. They may experience additional barriers to employment such as sensory differences, transport and mental health issues or haven’t had some of the skills and supports necessary for them to build a business from what they do well.
I want a brighter future for my generation as well as the ones coming after us. The Autism CRC provides a great opportunity to embrace the whole-of-life approach and find solutions that will benefit us all and give people the opportunity to find joy and pursue their aspirations. I hope that by researchers listening to the needs of people with autism we will realise new opportunities for better understanding and support for them in education, in the workforce and in their communities.